Tuesday, June 2, 2009

San Juan Dela Pena the Last resting place of the Holy Grail

The chalice that was used by Jesus was kept in the MOnastery of San Juan Dela PEna, there are now Millions of replica of this chalice to keep safe guard the original chalice used by Jesus and belived by many to have the source of healing and power, Kings are in search for this for increase of their power. The Holy Chalice was taken from Jerusalem by Saint James the Apostle.
Now the Holy Grail is called the Holy Grail Dela Pena, Because it wasd originally found in the Monastery of San Juan Dela Pena. It is now located in the Cathedral of Valencia Spain. thus the ancient crest of knighthood might have something to do that our great grand father is part of the Old ancient keepers of the Holy Grail the Knights templars.

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